Sunday, May 20, 2012


 Orang kata haram tukar kejadian Tuhan. Tp harus kalau d flaw perlu dibetulkan dgn tujuan kesihatan. Aku bkn nk bwt Botox or pembedahan plastik; just nk pakai braces utk betulkan kedudukan gigi aku. Before this, angah penah gak kene operate utk betulkan kedudukan gigi dye yg berlapis. Problem aku dgn gigi aku ni plak ttg gigi depan aku yg org kate mcm sluar jeans. It hurts hearing all remarks psl gigi aku ni. Bukannye aku sj2 nk gigi aku jdik camtu. Da ketentuannye mcm tu. Tp dr sakit hati, aku lg rela sakit pakai braces.

Last week, parents aku ade appointment dgn doktor gigi tu. He received my X-ray yg aku bwt kat Damansara hr tu. Discuss pye discuss, case aku akan diforward ke doktor Damansara tu. Kenapa? Sebab kes aku kes serious. Rupe2nye dlm lelangit aku ade 2 gigi yg xmau keluar. And one of them is the real cause gigi aku turn out to be like now. The tooth tumbuh melintang and forces my two front teeth to separate. Xsure bile aku akn kne operate but i sure know it will hurt as hell. Wish me luck guys! i'll come out more handsome than before =P