Saturday, May 19, 2012

Holiday Break! part 1

pemandangan dari apartment

 It's the time of the year i've been waiting for! Cuti seminggu pun jadi la..asalkan cuti XD Cuti ni sangat aku tunggu2. Main reason: family holiday at Gold Coast Australia! Wooohooooo! Not exactly 1st time aku gi oversea, tp Singapore dont really count as oversea pun, aku sgt excited about the trip because I really get to go to oversea a.k.a. naik plane for a few hours.. Dipendekkan crita, ktorg gerak g LCCT after Asar. Our flight was scheduled at 9pm kot kalau xsilap. Before boarding, we had dinner at McD. Little that my siblings know whats about to happen if u filled your stomach before going on board. ( That part's about to be told later) Check in, luggage check, custom check, then we are inside the plane. Agak kecik, well, it's AirAsia so no need to explain further. Aku selaku photographer bertauliah pun mulalah mengambil gambar segala2 yg aku rasa menarik. K, now the plane's taking off. tak sampai setengah jam, akak sulung aku da mula pening2. macam duk atas bara; kepanasan katanye. Bunyi budak2 menangis mmg sambung menyambung, menambahkan lagi kepeningan akak aku. Aku stay cool. Masa da nk smpai, hari da terang, so everyone eager nk tgk luar tingkap. Aku la paling beruntung duk tepi tingkap. Malang xberbau, masa tu akak aku mmg da loya xtrtahan dan keluarla muntah yang baunye mmbuatkan aku mual skali. Haha~ After 5 hours of flight (more or less) , WE ARRIVED! Alhamdulillah.. each of us bwk 1coat yg sgt panas utk dipakai di atas suhu 15 degree celcius.. harapannya nk dipakai la if sejuk, malangnya, pd aku suhu aussie at that time xbrape nk sejuk pun. So, everyone stow away their coats. Stepping on bumi Aussie for the 1st time, aku rasa nyaman dan bangga sbb xsmua org berpeluang utk mnjejakkan kaki kat tmpat org. However, nak lepas kastam diorg punyela lama. Smua org cam kepanasan dan kerimasan. So bila da pass, smua org carik kedai jual air sementara ayah g carik tempat sewa kereta. One thing very appealing psl Australians, the cars stop at every zebra crossing if ade org nk melintas. EACH TIME without failure. Unique sgt bg ktorg. Then naik kereta. menggunakan GPS yg disupply, we made our way to the apartment we rent, 2blocks away from the beach. nice! Then, ayah pun drive tnpa hala tuju sbb nk sight seeing katanye. We went till Brisbane. Sgt kepenatan, kami adik beradik hya mmpu tdo dlm kereta. After that, we spent the entire night duk kat bilik je sbb smua org da xlarat. Plus, tmpat2 lawatan hya dibuka up to 5pm. so, dats it for day 1! teruskan membaca smbungannya!