Monday, May 28, 2012


bapak pnat nya cuti skolah kali 2 ari...dh kepenatan...haih...trok nya ak neyh...

haiyo...k guys....post2 yg sblum neyh sume nyer bukan ak yg bwat ya...tu karya akak ak...dye tlg siapkn assignment ak utk subjek sivik....SIVIK????...aap kejadahnya fizik ad assignment???....klu korg x cya...tnyalah bdak2 tgb...maktab tu pelik...haiyo....k...smpi2 rumah ak trus tido..then esoknya mama g china smpi ari khamis nnt,,,,,ayah blek tinggal ak, along n adek ak jer g antar angah kt UPM smpi sesat2 naek turun highway...haha,...anyway...slama neyh ak sehat ja...mlm ni jer kurg...sbb bukak2 facebook...bad news yg kuar.....ouh...jgn lupa add.... HISHAM AHMAD ( A H A)...heeee...^___^....k...nite all bye...

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Outing dgn family

   Salah satu nikmat duduk asrama; nikmat outing dgn family. Kalau duk sekolah harian, mmg xde la istilah outing ni. Pd aku la, outing mcm a break after every exam. Puas sgt2. Debaran kau tunggu kereta parents kau smpai, happy melampau ms sign buku outing, freedom ms kereta lalu pas pagar, kesegaran hye dgn tgk kawasan sekitar skola kau dr jln luar tu. tu la yg aku rs hari tu ms 1st time family aku bwk aku outing since aku msuk TGB. Ktorg g amik cousin aku kat KYS jap, then menghala ke bandar melaka.

   Seriously, aku xde barang pun nk beli, just nk a little time out with my family. Tapi da alang2 kat luar ni, ni la msnye nk makan sedap2, beli ration utk bekalan hari2 aku kat TGB lg.. Kalau ikutkan, tiap2 minggu aku nk parents aku dtg, xpun akak aku pun smua duk jauh ( 2 3 jam tu jauh la kan?)..

    Lgpun, kalau outing or overnight tiap2 minggu, xtrasela mcm duk asrama. nama pun sekolah berasrama penuh. Knela latih diri utk berdikari, berdiri atas kaki sendiri. Susah senang jatuh bangun, xkn sntiasa nk berharap kat keluarga kite. We might lean on them for support, but to live off as a burden to them, that isn't right. So, live off well everyone!

Happy mother's Day

Hi mom! I love you!

Jarang betul aku ckp cmtu kat mak aku. Ego seorg lelaki, kata aku. Konon nak tunggu hari2 special mcm this upcoming Mother's Day br nk wish her well. Tp aku sll lupa, sayang tu utk setiap hari, bukan utk dikumpulkan dan diluahkan hye on that one special day. Analoginye mcm kte tanam pokok. Kte nk dye grow well; kene la baja n siram hari2. Love's like that too. Setakat sehari dlm setahun bg baja n siram, mmg konfm xhidup la pokok tu. Wud we want the same to happen to our love to our parents?

p/s: syurga di bawah telapak kaki ibu =)


 Orang kata haram tukar kejadian Tuhan. Tp harus kalau d flaw perlu dibetulkan dgn tujuan kesihatan. Aku bkn nk bwt Botox or pembedahan plastik; just nk pakai braces utk betulkan kedudukan gigi aku. Before this, angah penah gak kene operate utk betulkan kedudukan gigi dye yg berlapis. Problem aku dgn gigi aku ni plak ttg gigi depan aku yg org kate mcm sluar jeans. It hurts hearing all remarks psl gigi aku ni. Bukannye aku sj2 nk gigi aku jdik camtu. Da ketentuannye mcm tu. Tp dr sakit hati, aku lg rela sakit pakai braces.

Last week, parents aku ade appointment dgn doktor gigi tu. He received my X-ray yg aku bwt kat Damansara hr tu. Discuss pye discuss, case aku akan diforward ke doktor Damansara tu. Kenapa? Sebab kes aku kes serious. Rupe2nye dlm lelangit aku ade 2 gigi yg xmau keluar. And one of them is the real cause gigi aku turn out to be like now. The tooth tumbuh melintang and forces my two front teeth to separate. Xsure bile aku akn kne operate but i sure know it will hurt as hell. Wish me luck guys! i'll come out more handsome than before =P

Kereta Baru

Yes! aku suke berita ni..mak blikan kereta utk akak aku. Alasan kakak aku, kereta ni akan dipas kat adik2 dye ble dye fly g US hujung tahun ni, insyaAllah. Jadi mak pun trima alasan tu and bli kereta Myvi Purple S.E. 1.5 litre..brtuah btol bkn dye je bertuah, adik2 dye pun sm.. Contohnye, mcm hr tu, aku ade appointment dgn doktor gigi kat Damansara. Dyela yg jdik driver. Walaupun trpakse gne GPS utk smpai, tp nasibla jmpe gak klinik tu. Ptg tu appointment kat Rawang plak, sekali lg dye la yg kne bawak. Untung badan ade kakak boleh drive. 

Review aku psl Myvi ni:
~ nicely built, xnmpk mcm kereta yg girlish sgt
~ ade built in GPS
~ colour not bad
~ boleh play DVD and video, tp only ms handbreak da angkat jela

The importance of Family

Br aku sedar, sekarang crite buang bayi da xsebanyak dlu. Sbb mmg da xbyk bayi dibuang or wartawan da xlarat nk pursue the same story over and over again? Wallahualam. Siapala kte utk judge tindakan si ibu tu. Kite sndiri xsperfect mn. Being skeptical isn't helping either. So, drpd kte asyik mengutuk mereka2 yg bersalah, reflect diri sndiri dan pk2kan ms depan bayi2 yg trselamat dlm buangn ni..
p/s: hanya refleksi diri.

Kenapa aku bertuah ada keluarga:

- i have a home to come back to every holiday
- parents aku willing to dtg bwk outing or jenguk aku every month
- ayah pastikan keperluan aku cukup, makan minum pakaian serba cukup
- mak pastikan ade food on the dining table, walaupun kdg2 tnaga aku dikerah utk tolong siapkan makanan
- along sntiase ade utk topupkan aku dan bwk aku g tmpt yg aku kne g
- angah sntiasa pastikan hidup aku xsunyi dr perdebatan mulut dan perebutan laptop
- najah sntiase ade utk mengutuk dan mnjadi bhn kutukan aku.

We might seem harsh to one another, bahasa ktorg sesama adik beradik pun pd pndangan org kasar, tp pd aku inilah yg buat hidup aku sntiasa bising dan lively.

Holiday Break! part 4 (II)

sila sengetkan kepala utk tgk gmbr ni
Where were we? Oh yes~ kat Sea World. Next ktorg tgk sea lion's performance. Awesome! pd pndgn aku la, sea lions tu cam bijak gile. The show's about a sea lion yg bkerjasama dgn detectives to solve an overfishing crime. this one time, they called up an audience. She received a kiss from the sea lion. i bet it feels slimey..haha..klaka kot show dye..comel je sea lions tu..
Then, ktorg g beratur nk tgk spongebob 3D..mak ngan ayah xikut sbb da penat jln. jadik ktorg adik beradik g la mcm kte tgk 3D kat mn2 la, cme lg nmpk real..serious lg nmpk real..puas la, walaupun rs mcm bdk2 xcited tgk kartun.
Kluar cinema tu, hujan start turun balik. mak ngan ayah g tgk dolphin tu lg. jdik ktorg pun brlari2 la nk tgk gk. kat situ ade rule yg u have to masuk within certain time. If dye da tutup gate da xley masuk. kakak2 aku da lari2 lompat tali masuk area tu. Ms aku nk lompat tali tu, ade plak worker dye nmpk. Dye xbg masuk. Panas gile ah aku dgn org tu, skali dgn kakak2 aku yg tglkan aku kat luar. dkt stgh jam camtu duk cam org bodoh kat luar, show pun habis. Dgn muka masamnye, aku pun g la kat fmily aku. Terusla aku sound kakak2 aku. Diorg bwt xtau. Geramnye aku!
Ktorg pass by tmpt POLAR BEAR! xcited ktorg nk tgk. Sekali dye tgh hibernate, sedap je tdo lps hujan. Kami pun hampa la..
amek gmbr kat entrance jela
Then, mak ngan ayah nk g tgu kat main entrance sbb xlm lg akan ade closing SpongeBob's parade. Ktorg plak g menghala ke JetRescue; d only roller coaster yg bukak. Permainan lain ade je yg bukak, tp xkn nk aku maen merry-go-round plak kan~ smpai2 sn, xley bwk masuk beg. aku plak tgh pgg beg kamera. maka aku pun berlari2 la bg beg kat angah yg smmgnye xkn naek roller coaster. Along naik dgn najah, aku plak naik dgn sorg budak dr new zealand ni. Aku igt sebaya aku, rpenye br 13 tahun. Tp lg bsr n tinggi dr aku. Papepun, the ride's awesome!
Lupe plak nk cite, aku naik HELICOPTER! perrrgghhh! awesome! 1st helicopter ride..muke kakak aku da biru da, takut muntah lagi..haha..berdebar la jgk nk naik. siap kne pakai mic nk ckp to each other. Btw, d ride xincluded dlm tiket sea world. Ni byr lain. Again aku kne charge kanak2.
pemandangan dr dlm chopper
5pm is fast approaching.Last show, smua org kumpul kat dpn main entrance to watch the parade. comel je family spongebob ni..along aku yg smgt melambai2 mengalahkan adik2 dye. mmg kanak2 btul.. then, we headed back to the apartment, kepenatan.

Malam tu, ktorg kemas apartment sbb if xkemas, d owner akan kenakan extra charge. igtkan cam hotel kat mlsia boleh tinggal bilik bersepah2.. Have to sleep early, esok ade early flight to catch. Sad ;( akhirnye kami akan mniggalkan bumi aussie yg entah bila akan dpt kami jejaki lg. Overall, it was an experience i'll likely to forget. Thanx mak n ayah~
menunggu utk check in kat airport

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Holiday Break! part 4 (I)

 Day 3: Sea World! Luckily the weather's nice. We gonna spent all day here, so I separated the story to two parts. SO, read both k? Tmpat ni bukak je ktorg da trcongok kat dpn. Walaupun weekday, tp ramai gk family yg dtg. This is something funny: ayah beli 2 ADULT and 4 CHILDREN tickets. So, aku kanak2 lg! haha. da diorg percy, ayah aku dgn happynye beli. masuk2, ktorg trus g tgk dolphin show. AWESOME sgt2. the trainers mcm sgt syg kan dolphin2 yg diorg jaga. mcm2 aksi; melompat, gimrama, kejar motorbot. Siap ade dolphin yg pndai jelir lidah, lmbai ekor as a "bye2" sign. Comel sgt. Nk upload video tp xdptla plak. haih~ Aku mmg xley lupela.
antara aksi yg smpat aku snap gmbr

show's over!

After dat ktorg maen dgn ikan pari. Byk gile dlm kolam tu. u get to touch them (kalau berani la). Ikan pari ni bkn yg mcm kte sll mkn, dye jenis lain sket. N dye berbulu. kau boleh rs la mcm tajam2 halus bulu dye. Kolam sblh dye is kolam PENGUIN. tp penguin ni yg kecik, not yg kte sll tgk dlm tv. penguin jnis ni boleh thn suhu panas sket. up to 15 degree celcius. No touching or feeding. so tgk dr jauh jela. Then, ktorg jalan g  Akuarium Bawah Tanah dye. From a bridge, u can see sharks, fishes, corals n mcm2 lg.. cantek, tp shark tu menggerunkan la.. Tp kat dlm tunnel tu mcm kat Aquaria. Aku kesian tgk some of the sharks tu. Luka2 kat hidung. I guess they tried escaping, hitting the glass with their nose but to no avail. Sambung jalan, ade kolam starfish. boleh touch, so aku pun touch la. Geli geleman la jgk, tp xperience pye psl, aku pegang la. keras dowh~


 Newt show ktorg tgk, JetSki Xtreme Stunt. Perggghhh! gempak wa ckp lu.. gne jetski, diorg melompat2, siap landing trus tenggelam dlm air, kluar balik muke slamba. aku tabik ah. Yg aku cuaknye kalau xkluar2, xpun nmpk kaler merah mmbuak dlm air. Isy! nasib baek selamat. korg patut tgk, dupdapdupdap je tgk. they even use highspeed motorboats to make wave kat tgk2 the  lake utk the jetski bwt stunt.

mak dan najah. Background: 2 ekor penguin
 Right after dat, ktorg nk g tgk REAL PENGUIN! situated right next to the entrance, the hall where the penguins are located, is very cold. Mule2 ade la pameran psl statistics and biodata penguin2 kutub ni. Then, before our eyes, ktorg nmpk penguin berenang2 dlm air yg ade ais. Jalan naik tingkat atas, ade pemandangan atas darat yg penuh dgn ais. Kau boleh nmpk penguin yg da berenang lompat naik darat smbil slide. Ade sekumpulan penguin tu siap langgar dinding yg ade gmbr kutub. Aku rs diorg igt tu real world lg kot. 2 3 kali la jgk langgar dinding tu. Ni aku geli; ade satu kawasan yg xdilitupi ais tp ade cecair warna kuning. Aku yg xtau ape2 pun perhati la seekor penguin yg tgh diri kat kwsn tu. tgk pye tgk, dye angkat sikit ekor dye dan memancutla cecair warna kuning tu. perrgggghhh~~ dye buang air besar rupenye. haduih~

 Da kelaparan dan kehausan, kami pun belila popcorn. mak beli 2, ayah beli satu yg large. Miscommunication. Both xtau yg each other da beli. haha.. igtkan cam xpe, aku n kakak aku boleh habiskan. Sekali, yuuuuccckkkss~ masin! rpenye popcorn dye mmg mcm tu. sdih aku. Smpai sini je crite part ni, smbung part II plak.

Holiday Break! part 3

Next stop: back to Currumbin Wildlife Park. If korg bc post sblum ni, aku ade mntion yg ktorg da smpi sini and smpt fed some parakeets. Unfortunately, due to weather constrain, ktorg g tmpt lain dlu. tp xpuas la kalau xtgk kangaroo n koala right? So, we went back here. Kawasan dye sgt besar. To move about, they provide public transport; a train (again XD) K smpai2 ktorg tgk binatang2 reptilia dalam kwsn kaca. Almost smua zoo ade pameran yg sama. Tp yg xley aku lupe, ade seekor biawak ni ntah mcm mn boleh trlepas. Ramai gakla pompuan yg mnjerit sbb dye. Haha.

Then, ktorg g tgk show "Feeding the Crocodile". Agak byk show yg ktorg da trmiss. So, tgk jela ape yg ade kan. Buaya tu serious besar gile, around 6m kalau xsilap aku. But, seberat2 dye pun, dye dpt grab meat yg pekerja tu hang about 1.5m from water surface. We were lucky to see that sbb according to the worker, crocodile tu kdg2 xnk keluar dr air no matter what. jadik, ktorg antara penonton yg xdisappointed la..

Jalan2 lg tgk kangaroo. The whole area penuh dgn kangaroo dan jugak their shit. Kalau da trpijak tu, diam2 jela. Nasib xbusuk. Nasihat dr pekerja park tu, jgn sesekali tarik bulu dye or usap dye dr blkg, kang dpt free kick. So, beware. Bulu kangaroo2 ni smua keras2..xdela best sgt utk diusap.
After that, naik balik train utk g tgk show orang asli. Well, no camera allowed, so xdptla nk tunjuk diorg menari. Ade sorg mamat ni gempak. The entire show pye sound baik utk lagu ataupun sound effect, smua dtg original dr mulut dye. Mmg asli btol dye ni.

Last stop sblm pkul 5, koala! yg aku tunggu2. xley pgg, tgk je dr luar pagar. Kalau nk pgg, kne amek gmbr kat sn la. Dan itula yg ktorg buat. Bayar utk amek gmbr, then seekor koala pun dibawak keluar utk amek gmbr skali dgn ktorg. Angah nk pegang, so biarla dye. tp smua org pun merasa la nk pgg dye. Bulu dye pun xlmbut mn. Tp Woooaaa! aku pgg koala! haha..

Then, pkul 5pm, ktorg brtolak balik. Ptg tu dihabiskan dgn g mandi pantai..pjg gle pntai dye..air: SEJUK! dpt la tgk org surf, walaupun ramai gk yg jatuh2.. aku hye mmpu gelak dr jauh. Done! meh baca Part 4 plak =)

Holiday Break! Part 2

landed safely di bumi Australia
 Early in the moring and it's raining heavily. Mood: sgt down. Btw, smua org bgn awal gle , around 6 pg sn wic means 4pg mlaysia.. *impressed* However, as the time flies, the rain turns to drizzle. So, by 8am, we were ready to head out and have fun. 1st stop: Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary. Mule2 da drizzle, then lebat balik. So ktorg smpat fed the parakeets je. Kuku burung ni sgt tajam; luka2 tgn aku, da la pakai lengan pendek. However, they are lovely little creatures.

Instead of going further inside, we decided to go to Tropical Fruit Farm first. The place is quite far, so we spent the time sleeping, again -.- Walaupun aku xmkn buah, but I thoroughly enjoyed myself. We embark on our journey riding caravan pulled by a tractor. As usual, tgk mcm2 jenis pokok. What i love about this journey is we get to taste some of their products. Macam dlm gmbr ni, ktorg dpt mkn macadamia nuts freshly fallen from its tree. Siap dpt guna pengupas kulit dye lagi. Kinda like kacip la gak. But way cooler =P

Meneruskan perjalanan, we get to taste banana dipped in maple syrup and many more. Then we met some ducks. We even fed sheeps, horse and kangaroos before continuing the journey on a boat.
At the end of the boat ride, we were left on a small island. "choo choo!" Its time for a train ride! around the island. Coooooolllll~

Before ending the trip, we joined a briefing session on the types of fruit the farm is trying to grow.Then, fruit tasting. Btw, the farm sells chocolate dips made from one of the fruit they grow. (the fruit's not cocoa, fyi). Then......continue reading PART 3!

Holiday Break! part 1

pemandangan dari apartment

 It's the time of the year i've been waiting for! Cuti seminggu pun jadi la..asalkan cuti XD Cuti ni sangat aku tunggu2. Main reason: family holiday at Gold Coast Australia! Wooohooooo! Not exactly 1st time aku gi oversea, tp Singapore dont really count as oversea pun, aku sgt excited about the trip because I really get to go to oversea a.k.a. naik plane for a few hours.. Dipendekkan crita, ktorg gerak g LCCT after Asar. Our flight was scheduled at 9pm kot kalau xsilap. Before boarding, we had dinner at McD. Little that my siblings know whats about to happen if u filled your stomach before going on board. ( That part's about to be told later) Check in, luggage check, custom check, then we are inside the plane. Agak kecik, well, it's AirAsia so no need to explain further. Aku selaku photographer bertauliah pun mulalah mengambil gambar segala2 yg aku rasa menarik. K, now the plane's taking off. tak sampai setengah jam, akak sulung aku da mula pening2. macam duk atas bara; kepanasan katanye. Bunyi budak2 menangis mmg sambung menyambung, menambahkan lagi kepeningan akak aku. Aku stay cool. Masa da nk smpai, hari da terang, so everyone eager nk tgk luar tingkap. Aku la paling beruntung duk tepi tingkap. Malang xberbau, masa tu akak aku mmg da loya xtrtahan dan keluarla muntah yang baunye mmbuatkan aku mual skali. Haha~ After 5 hours of flight (more or less) , WE ARRIVED! Alhamdulillah.. each of us bwk 1coat yg sgt panas utk dipakai di atas suhu 15 degree celcius.. harapannya nk dipakai la if sejuk, malangnya, pd aku suhu aussie at that time xbrape nk sejuk pun. So, everyone stow away their coats. Stepping on bumi Aussie for the 1st time, aku rasa nyaman dan bangga sbb xsmua org berpeluang utk mnjejakkan kaki kat tmpat org. However, nak lepas kastam diorg punyela lama. Smua org cam kepanasan dan kerimasan. So bila da pass, smua org carik kedai jual air sementara ayah g carik tempat sewa kereta. One thing very appealing psl Australians, the cars stop at every zebra crossing if ade org nk melintas. EACH TIME without failure. Unique sgt bg ktorg. Then naik kereta. menggunakan GPS yg disupply, we made our way to the apartment we rent, 2blocks away from the beach. nice! Then, ayah pun drive tnpa hala tuju sbb nk sight seeing katanye. We went till Brisbane. Sgt kepenatan, kami adik beradik hya mmpu tdo dlm kereta. After that, we spent the entire night duk kat bilik je sbb smua org da xlarat. Plus, tmpat2 lawatan hya dibuka up to 5pm. so, dats it for day 1! teruskan membaca smbungannya!